

What is smallest material? It is said that an elementary particle. Is this true? Answer is no. For example, what is smallest number? It isn’t decided. Number can make small infinity. In the same, a material can make small infinity. So, an elementary particle isn’t smallest unit.



Time theory

Speed increase more and more, time decrease more and more. If speed reach to limit, time isn’t existence. Another say, speed increase more and more, time is late. And speed decrease more and more, time is faster.



Common sense is controlled item. Controlled item is produced in large. All thing is existence. A miracle is existence too. A miracle is an article made to order. An article made to order is produced a very little. What kind of amazing thing is existence. But a very little thing is keep out of sight by large thing. In the Same, common sense put in the way a miracle. It cause misunderstanding that miracle isn’t existence.



We should not decide short term of our life. We think about road of signal. If we just now stop by signal is red, but we can go ahead by next signal is blue. And if we just now go ahead by signal is blue, but we must stop by next signal is red. Namely, if we have problem just now, but next we have good luck. And if we have good luck just now, but next we must have problem. So, we can’t decide advantages and disadvantages by the present time. Preferably, all term of our life have same number of luck and unluck. All things consist of morals. Moral is fair completely. The basic principle of nature is an exchange of equivalents. So, all the people receive same number of advantages and disadvantages about the whole life.



We should have heart of rubber. Rubber is soft. Rubber is stretch. If rubber receive strong pressure, rubber ease the pressure and absorb the pressure. So,we should have soft heart. If soft heart receive stress, soft heart ease stress and absorb stress. Soft heart means mild and modesty. We should not have heart of stone. Stone is hard. If stone receive strong pressure, stone is broken. So, if heart of stone receive stress, heart of stone is broken. Namely, heart of stone means obstinate and arrogance.



Mathematics is learning of rest. Because, when we count a number, if number move around, we can’t count number. We can only count by number stop moving. But, actuality is all of thing move around. We always walking, bird always flying, time is passing, an electron moving around. Our world is composed of motion and movement. Mathematics don’t refer to moving world. Mathematics usually deal with only world of rest. So, theory of mathematics can’t make clear construction of real world completely.



We often heard a failure is the basis of success. So, if we can understand essence of failure, we can succeed. Because, we should be done operation of the opposite. In the same, if we can understand essence of illness, we can cure illness. Because, we should be done operation of opposite.



The same quality repel each other, the opposite attract each other. Then, simply difference don’t repel and attract. Another say, simply difference repel by half, and attract by half. Namely, simple difference fluctuate between repulsion and attraction. And the same quality gathers each other, the same quality lose each other. And the opposite gathers each other, it produce new quality. For example, two persons want a piece of cake, two persons oppose each other. And the person who have one apple, but he want orange. Another person who have orange, but he want apple. So, two person attract each other and they exchange apple and orange each other. There is harmony. So saying conversely, two repel each other, they have same quality, and two attract each other, they have opposite quality.